The Trip Of a Lifetime
Expedition Overview
Coast Around Tasmania is an epic 12-day / 1500 kilometre circumnavigation of Tasmania’s rugged coastline on Personal Water Craft (more commonly referred to as jetskis) to raise awareness with Variety for kids in need.
In 2025, commencing with a road trip from Queensland, the team will be heading to Melbourne to catch the Spirit of Tasmania to Devonport with PWC’s in tow. We will then travel to Hobart which will be the start and finish point for the expedition. Making our way anticlockwise we will ride an average of 170 kilometres per day for twelve days total (not including any weather lay-days) covering some of the most spectacular coastlines Australia has to offer.
Each evening we will be pulling into port to rest and reflect on the accomplishments of the day, and recharge and plan for the day ahead.

Coast Around Schedule

Day 1 - Hobart to Triabunna

Day 2 - Triabunna to Maria Island

Day 3 - Triabunna to Bicheno

Day 4 - Bicheno to St Helens

Day 5 - St Helens to Launceston

Day 6 - Launceston to Devonport

Day 7 - Devonport to Stanley

Day 8 - Stanley to Arthur River

Day 9 - Arthur River to Strahan

Day 10 - Strahan to Port Davey

Day 11 - Port Davey to Southport

Day 12 - Southport to Hobart
By The Numbers
Starting October 2021, we will commence training for this epic adventure, testing machine and equipment and building our capacity and competence to complete this goal. This whole process and adventure will be documented and shared with our audience and community, as well as shared and promoted amongst our supporter, sponsor & charity partner networks.
This expedition has been over 4 1/2 years in the making. What originally started as an idea between schoolmates has now turned into the adventure of a lifetime with the opportunity to raise awareness and funds for a worthy cause along the way.
Hours Of Footage Captured
Recording Devices
Kilometers Travelled
Week Lead-Up Adventure
Expedition Goals
Showcase the spectacular Tasmanian coastline and rugged wilderness through the eyes of the entire team.
Raise much-needed awareness for Variety and the excellent work they do to support kids in need.
We want to make it feel like people are travelling along with us through all the trials and tribulations a Jetski safari entails